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Customer Service
tel. +48 95 725 70 45    fax. +48 95 725 70 44    email: » Offer » Sand blasting

We offer services involving the blasting cleaning using two types of fine grit abrasives: stainless steel and mineral corundum. These abrasives are ideal for precise removal of old coatings, descaling the tarnishing of glass, plastic, wood and galvanized surface roughening.

We use only modern shot-blasting chamber with semi-automatic abrasive recovery dimensions: length 12m, width 4m, 3m height.
We are able to blast parts of a unit weight of the item up to 1500 kg.
Our production line is designed for the purification of the following elements:

  • decorative galvanized fencing
  • railings which will be installed inside the building
  • old fences painted many times over liquid paints
  • steel and aluminum wheels for cars and motorcycles
  • elements made of stainless steel
  • aluminum components
  • steel structures. 

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